Auto Injuries

Chiropractic care provides an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and surgery for many of the issues that can restrict your life.  Dr. Daniel Cronk of Cronk Chiropractic in Spokane, WA employs a variety of therapies that can provide relief for pain and help your body function at its optimal level. He believes that you, the patient, should be actively involved in the decision-making about your health care. 

Chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractor adjustment is one of the most common procedures used by chiropractors. Many different types of chiropractic adjustments are available. Dr. Cronk uses the Continuous Motion Adjusting technique which was pioneered by his father, Dr. Ronald Cronk, 40 years ago. It provides gentle and very specific treatment for back pain.  

Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic exercise is an exercise program that helps to stabilize your body through flexibility and strength training. The exercises will be targeted at the area of the body being treated and help to continue the healing process between office visits. 

Therapeutic laser

Class 3B therapeutic laser therapy uses a soft-tissue penetrating frequency of focused light to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. It has been used successfully for more than 40 years to treat pain, swelling, and inflammation. This treatment promotes healing and induces pain relief. It can be very useful in cases of chronic pain and injuries. 

Massage therapy

Massage therapy works well in combination with a variety of other chiropractic therapies, including adjustments and therapeutic exercise. Massage therapy may include trigger point release which applies pressure to the knots in the muscle. 

Heat and cryotherapy

Heat and ice are used to treat hypertonic muscles, sprains and strains. They also work on many other kinds of pain and inflammation.  

Mechanical traction

Mechanical traction is a form of spinal decompression. The spine is gently stretched to increase the space between the vertebrae. This is very helpful with bulging or herniated disc issues. The vertebrae move apart, often providing relief from radiating pain, numbness, weakness, and other symptoms. 

Contact Dr. Cronk of Cronk Chiropractic in Spokane, WA for chiropractic care. We are accepting new patients and can be reached at (509) 900-6555 to make an appointment. 

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