Auto Injuries

    Personal Injury

Personal injury is defined as bodily harm that comes from being involved in any type of accident or mishap such as:

  • Automobile accidents
  • Bike and pedestrian collisions
  • Boat and airplane accidents
  • Construction accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • OSHA violations
  • Slip and fall injuries

At Cronk Chiropractic, Dr. Daniel Cronk can provide multiple care options for people who need back support. For example, he works as a personal injury chiropractor for Spokane, WA, residents who suffer from severe back injuries. His experience in this field includes multiple high-quality therapies that will help you bounce back from a severe injury quickly and effectively. 

Personal Injury Problems May Require Chiropractic Care

If you have experienced a personal injury, Cronk Chiropractic can help you. Dr. Cronk has trained for years to manage common personal injuries and can ensure you're healthy. Just a few situations that might require his hands-on approach include:

  • Severe Back Problems: Accidents like a slip and fall can strain the muscles or sprain the ligaments around the spine and cause severe pain- a well-trained chiropractor understands how to rehabilitate these conditions.
  • Motion dysfunction: Spinal injuries may cause inflammation and motion dysfunction that triggers extensive pain after car accidents and other traumatic events.  Thankfully, Dr. Cronk is experienced in treating these conditions.
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain: Severe pain in your neck and shoulder may require a chiropractor who understands various treatment methods.

No matter why you need a personal injury chiropractor in Spokane, WA, Dr. Cronk is here to help. His years of experience can provide you with the high-quality support you need to manage your injuries and return to your routine, everyday life.

Treatments Dr. Cronk Can Provide You

Cronk Chiropractic utilizes soft tissue manual therapies, chiropractic adjustments, and active rehabilitation techniques to manage many back problems. Dr. Cronk also understands heat therapy, cryotherapy, neuromuscular reeducation, and mechanical traction therapies. Other methods he can use to manage your personal injuries include:

  • Continuous Motion Adjusting: This innovative technique was created by Dr. Cronk's father 40 years ago and provides a gentle and effective therapy for back pain. 
  • Laser Therapy: Medical grade class 3B laser therapy can provide the help you need to recover from a personal injury.  Research indicates that it can decrease patient back pain significantly vs. sham treated subjects
  • Myofascial release:  Targeting specific injuries and restrictions in the soft tissue can reduce pain and significantly improve range of motion. 

Dr. Cronk will use various diagnostic tools to ensure he catches all your back-related health issues. Then, he'll choose a therapy that makes sense for you and walk you through it to ensure you feel comfortable recovering from your personal injury.

Reach Out to Us Today for Help

If you need help from a personal injury chiropractor in Spokane, WA, that you can trust, call us at Cronk Chiropractic immediately. Dr. Cronk understands the various injuries that can occur and cause severe pain and suffering in your life. He works hard to ensure everyone gets the high-quality injury support they need. Call us at (509) 900-6555 to learn more about your options.

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