Auto Injuries

Receive effective sciatica treatments in Spokane, WA, from Dr. Daniel Cronk of Cronk Chiropractic.

What Is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the largest one in the human body, and it also has some important responsibilities. Aside from helping you retain feeling in your legs, the sciatic nerve also helps mobilize your lower limbs.

Although the sciatic nerve performs essential functions, most people aren’t familiar with it for that reason. Instead, they know about the sciatic nerve specifically because of the condition known as sciatica.

Sciatica develops as a result of damage to your sciatic nerve. Herniated discs and other spinal misalignments can press on your sciatic nerve and irritate it. You are also more susceptible to sciatica if you have diabetes or osteoarthritis. If the sciatic nerve sustains damage, you will quickly feel the effects of it.

Symptoms of this condition include significant pain running from your lower back down to your calf. You can also tell if your pain is likely to be caused by a case of sciatica based on how it feels. The pain caused by this injury is often described as a burning or shooting sensation. It may also move along different parts of your body, though it’s often localized to one side.

People often struggle with sciatica pain because it can take hold even while they’re trying to relax. Sitting for a long time can trigger your sciatica, so you must be wary of staying in that position.

Pain is the most recognizable symptom of sciatica, but it can cause other issues. Those other symptoms may include numbness and muscle weakness. Similar to the pain, the muscle weakness may only affect one of your legs.

Obtain relief from your symptoms by securing sciatica treatments in Spokane, WA, from Dr. Cronk of Cronk Chiropractic.

What Sciatica Treatments Can a Chiropractor Provide?

To understand why you should seek sciatica treatments from your chiropractor, let’s review the causes of the aforementioned condition. Remember that sciatica results from your sciatic nerve being exposed to pressure caused by a herniated disc or spinal misalignment. That means sciatica treatment must address that underlying problem.

A chiropractor can help with that.

Your chiropractor can use spinal adjustments to change the positioning of the misaligned vertebrae or herniated disc. By doing so, they can also ease the pressure responsible for your symptoms. The mechanical traction some chiropractors provide can also help with herniated discs and spinal misalignments.

Heat and cryotherapy also work well on sciatica. Both forms of therapy can effectively reduce the inflammation caused by your injury. Expect to experience relief not long after your chiropractor uses those treatment methods.

Call Dr. Cronk of Cronk Chiropractic at 509-900-6555 and receive sciatica treatments in Spokane, WA.

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